parshat Bamidbar

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shutterstockMan is Not Just a Number
Sefer Bamidbar is also known as "Book of Numbers". An explanation about the census, the relationship between the census and the camp, and what can we learn from it.
  • “I Will Take Her to the Desert”
    Hoshea (in this week’s haftara) had a unique solution for Am Yisrael – they were to be sent to the desert (2:16). Most prophets warned against things that could lead to the need for exile and set as the goal, returning to the Land and making its desolate places blossom. Hoshea prophesied when the nation was still in Eretz Yisrael, and its most acute problem was the idol worship of the Ba’al (literally, the husband). The Ba’al, and its wives, Asheira and Annat, turned promiscuity into a way of life. This matter finds expression throughout the haftara.
  • Bimah in the Middle‏
    Prior to Shavuos is an excellent time to review some of the less-known halachos germane to kerias haTorah, including whether the Bimah needs to be in the middle of the shul.
  • The Two Countings of the Nation, Yom Haatzmaut and Yom Yerushalayim
    Over the last few weeks, we proved that Torah and Chazal saw a deep connection between Brit Bein Hab’tarim and Kriat Yam Suf. Avraham was concerned that, even if his children were to inherit Eretz Yisrael, they would still be subservient to Egypt. We explained that Hashem promised that when Bnei Yisrael would leave Egypt and cross the sea, their subservience would end and their independence in Eretz Yisrael would begin.
  • Between a Liberated Nation and a “Mamlechet Kohanim”
    Historical events in the world and especially in Am Yisrael have always included a merging of a divine plan and the decisions of people based on free will.
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את המידע הדפסתי באמצעות אתר